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Viktor Torrent Download [Password]

Updated: Nov 28, 2020

About This Game Viktor’s story begins in Eos, a world divided by two realms: the Overworld and the Netherworld. The fragile balance between these two realms is suddenly shattered when Mephistopheles, the power-hungry leader of the Netherworld, lays siege to Overworld. After suffering betrayal within the legion, Zane, the leader of the Overworld, must turn to Viktor as his last hope.Viktor is an action-packed, side-scrolling, twin-stick adventure with gameplay inspired by classics such as Castlevania and Megaman. Playing as Viktor, you will fight your way through a diverse spectrum of hostile environments filled with a wide variety of relentless enemies, lurking traps, and fearsome bosses who will try to keep you from your mission: finding Zane, defeating the merciless Mephistopheles, and restoring peace to Eos.FeaturesStory Mode with 8 Action-packed stagesIntense Boss Fights to test your skill and coordination3 Standard Difficulty Levels and an unlockable Hardcore Mode6 Different Weapons complete with over 30 Upgrade OptionsNew Game+: Play through the game again and keep all of your weapons and upgradesHidden equipment and artifacts to unlock additional features and abilitiesFull Xbox 360 controller support (Emulators work too!)34 Steam AchievementsSteam Trading CardsOriginal soundtrack available as DLC (included in Viktor: Enforcer Edition) b4d347fde0 Title: ViktorGenre: Action, Adventure, IndieDeveloper:Shorebound StudiosPublisher:Shorebound StudiosRelease Date: 13 Jun, 2014 Viktor Torrent Download [Password] Only recommending it as there is no middle option..Pros :+ Boss Fights+ Mini-Boss Fights+ Collectibles+ Upgrades+ Obstacles+ DodgingCons :- After 3 Deaths, you have to Replay the whole level ( The Most Annoying one )- Can't access a previous section without restarting the whole level- NO incentive for killing minions ( you might as well bypass all ov em )- You too easily and very quickly, get bored ov it. The visuals are nice.Boss fights are fun but could use some work. They are fun at the start, but some of them get boring when you get their hp bar to half, because instead of getting harder and more exciting, they actually get easier...Also, some boss fights are the same from the beginning to the end. It's not that they aren't fun, but being a platformer twin stick and all, you kinda expect scenario changes\/harder patterns when you get them to half of their hp.The statues and shield bonuses are nice, they add a castlevania feel with the secret places and all, but I just wish we had more hidden secrets and better hidden areas.The soundtrack is amazing.I wish we had more powers too. Most of the guns are okay, a few are extremely powerful and just removes any kind of challenge the game might give it to you.We could use more enemies. Many of them are reused in every stage, with a few unique enemies per stage.We could use a time attack mode and a scoreboard.Zane is not well balanced. The stage is a piece of cake for him as he pretty much one hits everything. Some boss fights can be nearly impossible to him, though. But it adds a challenge, so that's actually cool. Boss fights get exciting again, all of a sudden.With all this said, it is a decent game. It's actually a great game, being "Viktor 1". I recommend it, and I hope they make a second one with more content and better boss fights.. Fun mega man\/castlevania type game with some excellent sotn type music! Controls took me a little bit to get used to but now everything flows really well. Highly recommend. I really really wish I could reconmend this game. Viktor has a lot of good ideas and elements mixing bits of contra, megaman, and DMC, but is hampered by poor execution. When the game is at it's best it's pretty damn good, but it is plagued by too many bugs, glitches and control problems in it's current form. Clipping into walls and getting stuck is the biggest bug that will cost you many a life due to no fault of your own. Outside of bugs it has some flaws including a damage recoil far too great for it's slippery controls to justify and needless use of a lives system (made especially frustrating due to the wall glitches eating up extra lives like candy) and a low item spawn rate that feels horribly imbalanced.This game could be great with some more polishing but until it at very least fixes the serious wall bugs I cannot reconmend it in it's current form.. Initially I've gave a positive review on this game, I felt very eager to grind through the levels and was curious to see the game has to offer. But as I progressed, I felt tiresome to continue playing it.As I said on my previous review, the graphics are awesome, the soundtrack is very nice as well, the concept between the game is not bad at all aside from the clich\u00e9 plot. You have a nice variety of weapons and few power ups which help you through the game. Also, the controls are fluid and I haven't had any trouble playing the game with my 360 controller.But as I was progressing on the game, I've realized that Viktor felt like I was playing the same level over and over again. There's indeed a big difference between the levels, each level is an all different kind of world, but what makes them feel like the same? The design isn't much creative, the levels are just run\/jump platforms\/avoid traps\/use your dash to pass walls\/and such, in a very boring and linear way. About 60% of this levels you just run on a straight line and jump several cliffs to advance, and the fact that the enemies are the same in the entire game made the level run boring.The levels are not much of a challenge, as the enemies don't change much. The bosses and minibosses are the real challenge of the game, but some boss fights are just dull. You keep moving and jumping to avoid the attacks and keep shooting until the boss dies, but not in a funny way like the platformer classics as contra, metal slug, megaman, etc. On this games the bosses are challenging and fun, you walk all around the screen avoiding been hit, while on Viktor, you can move in a 2,3 inch radius on screen to avoid the boss' attacks and you're ok.Overall, I think this is a bland game. I wanted to like it because it looks like a neat game indeed. Maybe with more polishing on the level design and the traps surrounding the enemies, more different enemies to fight and a best utilization of the bosses environment (for example on the genie boss screen, there's not much room to move and the boss takes a big part of the screen, also he don't move a single inch) the game would be funnier.Unfortunately I woundn't recommend this game even to a platformer fan.. I picked this game up when it was on sale. The graphics are ok. Not bad, but also not very memorable. But I have to say, it got it's own style. Where this game stands out are the smooth controls and overall feel of the game. I tried it with a controller but I would not recommend it. Use a keyboard and mouse. That way it plays very nice.At the end of a run you get a grade. I ended up a C or D at easy and that keeps me playing. Because I'm gonna try to get a A and tune up the difficulty. Overall a nice platformer that stands out because of the smooth gameplay.. Very short gameplay and averange plot but an awasome this game on a sale,good for 3 hour of fun,but thats it.. Viktor is a twin-stick run'n'gun sidescroller. While this is may not seem very original, there are actually only a handful of modern run'n'gun shooters that are well made, so this is an impressive effort. Pros: - Good enemy variety - Levels are decently challenging levels- The boss fights are really well-designed , some of the best I've seen in a while- You have a dash mechanic for platforming and dodging which makes the motion very fluid and energeticCons: - Presentation is average, visuals are nothing special and soundtrack is pretty basic metal-ish fare- Difficulty can be a bit uneven, especially considering the one-hit kill deaths- It's a fairly short game padded by difficult levels a la Megaman. If you play on Normal it'll be rather brief.- Ammo for the better weapons is scarce but your main weapons are pretty decent overall. Viktor is a 2D action platformer with 360 degree firing. Shorebound Studios doesn't have the most amazing resume but this looks to be their first IP and it's feels like it was enthusiastically made. I played exclusively with a wireless 360 controller. I took a chance with this game and was pleasantly surprised. It's a pretty solid experience and it does some things very well. Some things... not so well. It's plays like a Megaman game and looks like a Castlevania game.Here's the nitty gritty:The Good- The teleport dash is fantastic. It really feels good. The dash refreshes quickly and about 90% of the time it goes where I expect it. It was obviously the core mechanic around which the game was made (if not initially, then eventually). Cutting corners by passing through them and the snap through platforms feels really awesome.- The pistols feel good. Firing is definitely assisted but not overwhelmingly so. The aiming is sticky. If you let go of the right stick you will continue to fire in that direction. Initially it felt strange, mostly because I expected the character to face the direction of movement when not actively shooting. When I got over that, it lended itself interestingly. There are segments where enemies approach from the same direction and I was able to take them down while focusing on platforming.- Animation quality is excellent. Everything feels very smooth.- Each level feels unique and each boss feels unique. All of them have good pacing and frenetic action. Unique strategies are required to take each one down. The strategies are not obscenely difficult to identify and none of them feel cheap.- Alternate paths and secret areas are littered throughout and encourage exploration.- Enemies and bosses look cool.The Bad- Normal movement feels off. The run speed feels too slow. Maybe I'm used to floaty jumping but you descend like a rock and it's especially noticeable since the teleport doesn't feel that way. Non-teleporting just doesn't feel like it's tuned quite right.- The art design no the levels feels nice and thematic but the areas themselves feel empty. I'm not looking for bullet hell levels of density but the spaces feel underpopulated. Maybe it just needs more props\/set dressing.- Lots of bouncy balls. The majority of the mid-bosses are bouncing balls of various types. Don't get me wrong, I like bouncing balls as much as the next guy but I think there could have been more variety.- The music is only ok. It didn't have me stopping to listen but it also didn't feel out of place. It was sufficient.- There are other weapons than the pistols but for the life of me, I don't see why. I have acquired the shotgun, rocket launcher, and grenade launcher. After using each for a few minutes, I was using the pistols again. I will be blunt here. The weapons are unimaginative and underwhelming. They add very little value. Shorebound took some inspiration from the Megaman X series, to be sure, but failed to bring with it the interesting weapons that are so iconic of the Megaman games. Each boss has a projectile attack that could be adapted to use by Viktor. - Boss difficulty is kind of all over the place from very easy to lengthy and difficult.-Viktor is the least impressive of the character designs.

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